Where Do Your Blog Visitors Come From?

Blogs allow you to publish posts for a global audience. Real people from real countries around the world are likely to read your articles. Adding a Tracking Widget will help us see our audience and find out where they come from. 

Benefits include:
  • Knowing we’re writing for a global audience help us to take care in what we write. 
  • Knowing where are audience comes from is a built in lesson about Our World. With A widget you will be able to find out more about the countries your visitors are from. 

To Add A Cluster Map

  1. Open your classblog page
  2. Click in the address bar at the top
  3. Ctrl + A
  4. Ctrl + C
  5. Go To http://www.clustrmaps.com
  1. Click In the box beside URL: 
  2. Delete the content
  3. Ctrl + V to paste your blog address into this box
  4. In the URL box type [email protected]
  5. Click the "Make My Map" button
  1. Make sure the radio button beside A Is activated
  2. Click in the recommended Code box. 
  3. Ctrl + A to highlight the contents. 
  4. Ctrl + C to copy the contents

  1. Return to your blog page and Log In
  2. Go to your Control Panel
  3. In the About You section, click the cursor so that it appears at the end of its content
  4. Press Enter on your keyboard a couple of time
  5. Ctrl + V
  6. Submit Description.

Note: Your glitter text will have been deleted. This happens anytime you update the Control Panel. You will need to go in and do the Glittertext title again. See the Tab at the top of this page if you need help to do this.